Virtual 5th German OpenFoam User meetiNg
We are happy to announce the GOFUN conference virtual due to the COVID-19 situation.
The organizers of

would like to invite you to the virtual 5th GOFUN in Braunschweig. The intent of the meeting is to provide an helpful opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with OpenFOAM experts and users. It is an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas, future aspects and problems using OpenFOAM between users from Germany and abroard.
The GOFUN reports new discoveries and developments in the fundamental and applied application of OpenFOAM with a mix of researchers and industrial speakers from a large variety.
Foamacademy TrainingsShortcode

Schedule Conference Day
24. March 2021
Hope to see you online at the GOFUN!
A big thanks due to our sponsors, the conference is free of charge.
List of talks from GOFUN 2020
List of talks from GOFUN 2019
List of talks from GOFUN 2018
List of talks from GOFUN 2017
List of talks from NOFUN 2016
Our Sponsor’s
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